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E-Bike Touring: our suggestions

Why choose an e-bike?

Because it’s for everyone!

Never ridden an electric bike with assisted pedaling and you’d like to try? This is your chance! If you’re already an e-bike rider you know the advantages – you don’t have to be an athlete to get anywhere you want! For both beginners and experts, the e-bike is an amazing discovery.

Because you’re always learning!

It’s easy to learn how to use an e-bike and to manage your energy level relative to the assistance it gives. If you want the most out of your ride, get a MTB guide to go with you. They’ll help you improve your posture and technique and teach you how to manage the various aspects of a ride. A guide will help you improve your over-all mastery of an e-bike, and as if that isn’t enough, they’ll also share with you the secrets of the area and the mountains that surround it.

Because it’s a great experience!

E-bike touring brings together the pleasure of pedaling without too much effort and experiencing the tranquility of the natural environment where you drink in the essence of the forest while enjoying the incomparable and evocative trails in the highest mountains of Europe. What will you feel? Satisfaction, the spirit of adventure and discovery, a carefree mind, and a sense of belonging to nature. Sometimes you’ll be challenged a great way to live outside your comfort zone and create lasting memories.

Touring suggestions around La Thuile

E-Bike Touring at Lago d’Arpy

❔ Is this the right choice for you?
For all levels including kids 8 and up.

? What you’ll need:
Clothing and equipment:

  • Comfortable, outdoor clothing
  • Closed-toe shoes
  • Windbreaker
  • Backpack for water and picnic lunch
  • Sunglasses and MTB gloves are recommended

Available at our rental points:

  • Free helmet
  • Emergency repair kits for sale

? Here are some photos:

? What to expect
Lago d’Arpy is a natural lake characterized by emerald water and the amazing protective peaks of the Grandes Jorasses. Along the ride, you’ll discover the characteristic village Les Granges, and the enchanting village of Petosan – a real postcard. Conifer forests accompany you along this ride creating a magical experience.

? The ride
Leave the rental shop in La Thuile on your bike and head towards Les Granges situated just above La Thuile. At Petosan, give yourself time to visit the village following the signage off the road. Back on the road, continue to Colle San Carlo where you’ll find a dirt road heading to the lake.

?  Suggestions:

  • Remember to book your bike ahead of time!
  • Engage a guide if you’re interested
  • Lo Ratrak foodLab will provide you a sack lunch to enjoy lakeside

? Book here:
+39 344 130 1626

E-Bike Touring at Col Chavannes

❔ Is this the right choice for you?
Appropriate for adult riders. The ride isn’t difficult except on a couple of passages that require a minimum amount of skill and caution. Good fitness is key as it requires a whole day of riding and fitness will also allow you to freely enjoy the ride back into La Thuile from Courmayeur.

?  What you’ll need:
Clothing and equipment:

  • Comfortable, outdoor clothing
  • Closed-toe shoes
  • Windbreaker
  • Backpack for water and pic-nic lunch
  • Sunglasses and MTB gloves are recommended

Available at our rental points:

  • Free helmet
  • Emergency repair kits for sale

? Here are some photos:

? What to expect
The Col Chavannes valley is a wild place, practically untouched by human presence. From the summit at the end of the valley, the view on majestic Mont Blanc is nothing but spectacular. The descent to Val Veny is the perfect occasion to experience alpine beauty through woods and meadows and along milky streams. Take some time to explore the welcoming and lively town of Courmayeur – much like gliding back into civilization after so much wilderness.

? The ride
Leave the rental shop and La Thuile on your bike heading towards the village of Pont Serrand and take the deviation towards Col Chavannes. Just beyond the Le Lapin holiday farmstead, a dirt road will lead you into the heart of valley to then ascend the righthand side of the valley presenting soft and regular changes in slope. At the top of Col Chavannes, we suggest having your picnic and taking the time to soak in the view. Next, the descent into Val Veny begins – presenting some difficulty at the beginning but evolving into a fun ride towards the Rifugio Elisabetta and the road that leads to Courmayeur. From Courmayeur, you’ll take the main road back to La Thuile.

? Suggestions:

  • Remember to book your bike ahead of time!
  • Engage a guide if you’re interested
  • A long ride, so we suggest a sack lunch from Lo Ratrak foodLab to enjoy at the summit

?  Book here:
+39 344 130 1626

Excursions along the Piccolo San Bernardo Pass

❔ Is this the right choice for you?
For all levels including kids 12 and up.

? What you’ll need:
Clothing and equipment

  • Comfortable, outdoor clothing
  • Closed-toe shoes
  • Windbreaker
  • Backpack for water and pic-nic lunch
  • Sunglasses and MTB gloves are recommended

Available at our rental points:

  • Free helmet
  • Emergency repair kits for sale

? Here are some photos:

? What to expect
La Thuile and France at La Rosière meet on the Colle del Piccolo San Bernardo Pass. This pass is rich in history, and today you’ll discover the once Roman wayfarer hostel and later an inn for pilgrims headed to Rome. Not only, here is the home of the fairy-like Chanousia botanic garden, the mysterious ancient cromlech, and the lovely Lago Verney lake. On the way, you’ll ride through the village of Les Suches and along the Colle di Fourclaz Pass.

? The ride
Leave directly from the rental shop on your bike. Head towards the e-bike trail F (Comino) and proceed along the dirt road under the line of the ski gondola bringing you to Les Suches. Here we suggest a lunch break before heading up to Chaz Dura. From Colle di Fourclaz, you’ll head down towards the opposite side and reach the Piccolo San Bernardo Pass.

? Suggestions:

  • Remember to book your bike ahead of time!
  • Engage a guide if you’re interested
  • A long ride, so we suggest taking a lunch break and relaxing at Lo Ratrak restaurant (Les Suches) where you can also recharge your bike

?  Book here:
+39 344 130 1626

Touring suggestions around Morgex

Touring vineyards on your E-Bike

❔ Is this the right choice for you?
For all levels including kids 8 and up.

? What you’ll need:
Clothing and equipment

  • Comfortable, outdoor clothing
  • Closed-toe shoes
  • Windbreaker
  • Backpack for water and pic-nic lunch
  • Sunglasses and MTB gloves are recommended

Available at our rental points:

  • Free helmet
  • Emergency repair kits for sale

? Here are some photos:

? What to expect
Discover the hidden villages of La Salle! This ride will take you through woodlands into open and sunny hills where the tiny and characteristic villages of Challancin e Morge are set. From there, enter into the valley of Planaval where the panorama of Mont Blanc and the main valley of Aosta is nothing short of spectacular. These are areas of rare beauty, but not well-known, offering you a very local experience.

? The ride
Leave on your bike from Morgex rental on a secondary road will lead you towards La Ruine and La Salle. An uphill tract will bring you to the hills of La Salle, to Challancin and Morge, and ultimately to Planaval where we suggest a lunchbreak. A variant called Les Ors goes to a characteristic mountain pasture from where the majestic Mont Blanc chain can be admired. Choose your route back either by way of an easy and fun trail, or by way of the principal road.

? Suggestions:

  • Remember to book your bike ahead of time!
  • Engage a guide if you’re interested
  • Bring a picnic lunch or stop in one of the local restaurants like La Jolie Bergère e la Trattoria Cheverel.

? Book here:
+39 345 556 33 87

E-bike tour delle Valli di Courmayeur

❔  Questo percorso fa per te?
Adatto a tutti i livelli anche ai bambini dai 12 anni in su.

? Tutto quello di cui hai bisogno:
Abbigliamento Attrezzatura:

  • Abbigliamento comodo e sportivo
  • Scarpe chiuse da ginnastica
  • Giacca a vento
  • Zaino con acqua e qualche snack
  • Possono tornarti molto utili occhiali da sole e guanti da mtb

Disponibile a noleggio:

  • Casco gratuito
  • Kit per riparazioni di emergenza a pagamento

? Ecco cosa ha meritato una foto:

? Cosa Scoprirai
Questo è veramente un tour all inclusive alla volta di Courmayeur e dei suoi luoghi imperdibili, in un solo giorno puoi attraversare infatti Val Ferret e Val Veny, entrambe al cospetto del Monte Bianco, potrai ammirarne i boschi, i torrenti glaciali, i laghetti nascosti. Se vorrai, potrai anche pranzare in uno degli storici rifugi della zona e gustare la cucina locale.

? Il percorso
Partenza in bici direttamente dal noleggio. Pedala in direzione Courmayeur passando da Pré-Saint-Didier, Palleusieux e Verrand, e prosegui in direzione Entreves-La Palud. Da qui ti immergerai nei boschi della Val Ferret, ammirando la maestosa catena del Monte Bianco e delle Grandes Jorasses. Dopo aver raggiunto il rifugio Elena riparti alla volta della splendida Val Veny, puoi percorrerla fino al rifugio Elisabetta. Concediti una sosta al lago del Miage per osservare la particolare colorazione grigio-azzurra di questo celebre specchio d’acqua.

? Suggerimenti:

  • Ricordati di prenotare la tua bici con anticipo!
  • Se ti interessa è possibile richiedere l’accompagnamento di una guida di mtb qualificata
  • Sia in Val Ferret che in Val Veny incontrerai diversi ristoranti e rifugi di montagna, puoi pensare ad un pranzo al sacco, ma noi ti consigliamo di non perderti una fumante polenta alla valdostana

?  Prenota:
+39 345 556 33 87

E-bike tour della Collina di La Salle

❔ Questo percorso fa per te?
Adatto a tutti i livelli anche ai bambini dagli 8 anni in su.

? Tutto quello di cui hai bisogno:
Abbigliamento Attrezzatura:

  • Abbigliamento comodo e sportivo
  • Scarpe chiuse da ginnastica
  • Giacca a vento
  • Zaino con acqua e qualche snack
  • Possono tornarti molto utili occhiali da sole e guanti da mtb

Disponibile a noleggio:

  • Casco gratuito
  • Kit per riparazioni di emergenza a pagamento

? Ecco cosa ha meritato una foto:

? Cosa Scoprirai
Le piccole, caratteristiche, seminascoste frazioni di La Salle ti aspettano! Questo tour ti permetterà di addentrarti fra i boschi che portano alle frazioni di Challancin e Morge, sopraelevate, aperte e soleggiate, e successivamente nella vallata di Planaval, da cui il panorama sul Monte Bianco e sulla valle principale è sbalorditivo. Sono luoghi di rara bellezza, ma poco frequentati, sarà per te un’esperienza da vero local!

? Il percorso
Partenza direttamente dal noleggio. Dirigiti lungo strade secondarie verso la frazione La Ruine e da qui verso La Salle. Inizia poi a risalire la suggestiva collina di La Salle, passando attraverso Challancin e Morge fino a Planaval dove ti consigliamo una breve sosta ristoratrice. Attraverso la variante di Les Ors si raggiunge invece un tipico alpeggio di montagna, anche da qui è possibile ammirare la maestosa catena del Monte Bianco. Puoi scendere verso Morgex tramite un sentiero facile e divertente, oppure tramite la strada principale.

? Suggerimenti:

  • Ricordati di prenotare la tua bici con anticipo!
  • Se ti interessa è possibile richiedere l’accompagnamento di una guida di mtb qualificata
  • Puoi portare un pranzo al sacco o se preferisci fermarti in uno dei ristoranti della zona come La Jolie Bergère e la Trattoria Cheverel

? Prenota:
+39 345 556 33 87